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Massage Help For Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis is an inflammation of a thick band of tissue that connects the heel bone to the toes. This tissue runs along the Botton...

Tune Up Tuesday 10/8

Muscles LOVE movement. I get a lot of people that have soft tissue and muscular injuries and it's hard to explain that movement can be...

Some Days There Are Tears...

Imma about to get real here, that's not easy for me. The me that I see in my head isn't the reality of the situation. THAT frustrates me....

My 2 Minutes Of Fame

Some times you meet people that are just real and true and you immediately like them because of that. I have to say Elias Johnson from We...

You Are My Why...

In business it's always taught to have that "why". The reason for you to do what you do, that driving force, goal, clarity... As I was...

Massage Etiquette??

Oh my good gosh, am I like the only one that goes to massage school just to find out there is massage etiquette and I am one of those...

Self Care Tip #1

I get excited a lot. It's just me, so know when I say I am excited to share this tip today, well, it's not going to be the last time I...

Blog: Blog2
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